Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family Photos

In early October we had our family photos taken. I am ashamed to say that we haven't had "real" family pictures since Jack was 9 months old! I quickly got over my negative feelings when our photographer sent us the photos. Here are just a few of them. Don't look too close, as many of you may find similar photos hanging on your fridge in a few short weeks! :-)

Don't let that innocent face fool you!
The whole crew including Puppy and Baby Bear. 

Do I hear a collective awww. 

Sam's "scary face." 
His "excited face." 
*He will do both of these on command, as he knows we will just bust out laughing.*
Love that wrinkled little nose! 
Our inquisitive Jackers. 

Lakefront Marathon

October 3rd was an extremely exciting day in our house. It was known as "race day!" Let me take you back 9 months...

We were sitting at home one cold January evening, the boys were in bed, Tom and I were each on our computers, when he turned to me and said, "I'm going to run a marathon." My initial thought, "sure honey, you get right on that!" Well, guess what...he did!!!!!!! I am so very proud to be able to say that I am married to a marathon runner! It was a long journey, but one that taught us so much about ourselves. It sparked a HUGE change in the Hanks household, and I'll be perfectly honest when I say that I will never forget that cold January evening, it was a true "tipping point!"

At the starting line. I'm not sure who was more nervous!

Only a few more strides to go! Woohoo!!!!!!  Tom met his goal of finishing in under 4 hours.  His official time was 3:58:39.  Not too shabby! 

Let the party begin, well as much as a party as you can have with 2 kids, a dad who just ran 26.2 miles and a mom that biked 16+ miles while cheering her heart out!

I do have to say that I have never been more proud of Tom. He never ceases to amaze me! Yes, I was that woman all teary eyed at the finish line. You can't explain the emotional journey of a marathon, those of you who have been through it know, but if you want a better insight than what I can provide be sure to follow the link to the article by clicking on the title of this post "Lakefront Marathon" above, or copy and past the following into your browser.  Each time I read the article it brings tears to my eyes, as it really hits home...

As for now, mark your calendars for October 2, 2011, you will probably know 2 runners in the marathon! :-)

Well, well, well if it isn't...

Hello friends and family! I have a ton excuses saved up for why I haven't been blogging, but none of them are remotely good, so I'll spare you! I see the last time I posted was on the boys' 1st and 3rd birthdays...seems only fitting that we make a return on their 2nd and 4th birthdays! Yikes 2 and 4!!!!!!! That's all I have to say about my feelings on the upcoming birthdays!

Don't be a stranger around here, and I promise I will try not to be either!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!

'Tis the birthday season in our family. Everyone with the exception of Meema and Uncle Marc has a birthday between the end of September and the middle of December! It is so hard to believe that Jack is 3! We are astonished by how much he has grown this year. The most growth has been with his vocabulary. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't crack us up with something he says. Some of the most recent things that have come out of his mouth:

"Papa, this is not negotiable."
"Well, actually..."
"I don't care for that."
"Should we do that?" (after attempting to persuade you to do something with him)
"Mom, I will go to Target and get a beer for you." (At least I have kept from him that my drink of choice isn't beer, it's Captain! See I don't drink in front of my kids, contrary to what many think!) :-)
"Part of me." (after he burped) "Meema says that." (she actually says "pardon me.")
"Fank you" (thank you)
"Clippord" (Clifford)
"Can I learn things at preschool?"

This year we decided to switch things up a bit and head to Eau Claire for Thanksgiving. Jack's birthday was the day before Turkey Day and we decided a fun/small celebration was just what was needed.

We started off the day with a little birthday oatmeal (Jack's request).

A few birthday gifts.

Much to his delight we were able to go to his all time favorite restaurant, Bridge Street Station aka. the Train Restaurant. He was in his glory having both Tom and I all to himself for a few hours.

Happy 3rd birthday Jackers! We love you more than you'll ever know!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Sam!

Well it is official we no longer have an infant and a toddler. :-( We are now a household with two toddlers and two parents, who are quickly about to be overrun! It is hard to believe that Sam is already 1. We have had so much fun watching him grow and learn this past year. He is such an easy going guy, who loves to make us laugh! We are truly blessed to have such a loveable little boy! Happy First Birthday Sammers! We love you soooooooooooo much!

Our sweet little birthday boy!

Jack was super excited to help Sam open his birthday gifts. I think he asked me 1,000 times during the day if it was time for Sam to open his gifts. It sure is a hard thing to wait until Daddy gets home, even when he comes home early from work to celebrate. I wonder if Jack will allow Sam to help him open his gifts in another week?!?!?

A new favorite toy!

I'm gonna get you!


Look Mom, no hands!

I think I like birthdays!

Sam's signature move...instead of signing "all done" he stands up in his highchair, even if he is buckled in. If you don't grab him quick enough he proceeds to sit on the tray and laugh. Obviously he was quicker than we were! Nice cake butt!

Time to head off to the ceremonial first birthday bath!

Happy Birthday Sam, we love you!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Potty Training While Camping

We decided that it was time to attempt potty training with Jack. The potty seat had been in the bathroom at home, and he had sat on it a few times with a couple of successes. Since we would be out in the middle of nowhere we figured it would be a good time to make a little more of an effort. Besides we wouldn't have to clean up the mess!

We spent many minutes sitting and reading with Jack, keeping our fingers crossed that he would catch on to the whole potty thing. Needless to say we only had a few more successes, and were just left wishing we had brought more books along to pass the time!

One day Meema and Papa rented a pontoon boat so we could go cruise the lake. It had been MANY years since I had been down to the other end of Lake Owen. Papa made sure that we saw each and every part of the lake!

On one of our many stops during our pontoon trip we stopped at a beach. Tom was the lucky one who was voted to be buried in the sand.

What a great family photo!

Playing peek-a-boo.

Just lounging.

We had a great week, even with Sam letting the entire campground know that he wasn't a fan of sleeping in the great outdoors. Hopefully that will by next year! A special thanks to Papa and Meema for a great week!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gearing Up for Camping

This year Tom was able to join us on our annual camping trip to Lake Owen with Meema and Papa Tim. I was super excited to have Sam experience Lake Owen for the first time. I know I have said it before, but Two Lakes Campground is my most favorite place on earth. There are so many wonderful family memories connected to it. I am so appreciative that it has remained open, so we can continue to create many more memories. This year's trip was no exception!

A few days before we were scheduled to leave, Jack finally was able to pedal his trike. Papa Tim was the most proud of him, and super excited that the time he and Jack can go on a bike ride together is getting much closer. Jack was just beaming due to Papa's reaction when he called to tell the great news. (Our backs are so gets to be a bit much, hunched over your child assisting them with bike riding!)

I swear Jack's hair can really make you laugh in the morning. We're still wondering if Sam will ever be able to sport some of the do's that Jack does. (C'mon hair grow!)

They sure know how to turn on the charm and melt your heart!

When we arrived in Eau Claire Jack was excited to show everyone his new rain gear. Thank goodness there was rain in the forecast, otherwise we would be walking around with a 2 year old sweating to death in his rubber boots and raincoat.

Singing in the rain!

We arrived at Lake Owen safe and sound. Jack and Papa couldn't wait to get the kayak in the water. This year they discovered that Jack fit perfectly in the "gear hole." No it is not a double kayak.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It was a pretty low-key week for us. We were able to get to the zoo with the Sokols. A trip to the zoo isn't complete without a train ride in the summer!

Sam, Natalie and I on the train.

"Big" Jack, "Baby" Jack, Kari, and Natalie on the train.

Sam is now rated for puffs. He wasn't sure what to do with them at first, but with a little help from Jack, he figured it out.

Seriously, I DON'T need your help!

Friday, July 17, 2009

8 Months!

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe how old Sam is getting! He continues to be a happy-go-lucky guy.

Where am I!?!?!?! cute!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

This too shall pass...

What a week! This for sure will go down as one of those weeks in life that you will never forget!

We started the week started off with Tom and I celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary. It is so hard to believe that four years have passed since that magical day, one that we let our memories revisit often. We feel so blessed to have grown together, and welcomed our two beautiful little boys. Each and every day is filled with so much love and laughter.

Obviously we celebrated, so much that we had to dig into our reserve Captain!

So what landed Jack in front of the x-ray machine?

The story goes like this...
We were on our way home from the Y, and as I was basking in pride for just finishing my first spin class in a loooooong time I hear Jack's voice from the backseat.
Jack-"Mommy, me swallow money."
Jack-"Me eat money."
Me-"Are you serious?!?!?!"
Jack-"No Mommy, I just teasing."
Me-"Jack, this isn't something to tease about. You need to tell me...did you eat money?"
Jack-"Yes, yes I eat money."

The conversation continued on with me attempting to figure out what kind of money he ate. Jack tuned into my concern, and kept giving me different answers. I called Tom, and we decided it would be best for me to call Dr. Kessen. I called her office and within 2 minutes she called me back, asking me to bring him in. Off we went to her office.

Dr. Kessen was most concerned that if he had in fact swallowed a coin or two, we needed to make sure that it had made it into his stomach. I guess there is a risk of the item coming back up and blocking the airway.

Onto the x-ray lab...

After the films were developed we found out that Jack wasn't teasing, and he did in fact "eat money." Thankfully the coin had made it to his stomach. Dr. Kessen said that it would be best for it to pass, and if it didn't in a few days she wanted to see him again.

The coin, a penny, eventually passed naturally...whew!

You had better believe that these photos will come back to haunt him in the future!

We headed down to the lakefront to enjoy all of the carts from the Circus Parade. Unfortunately we had plans to be out of town for the actual parade, but we still had fun taking in all the sights. We will definitely be putting it on our calendars as a must see next year.

Our plans for the weekend took us to Eau Claire to visit with Grandma, Papa Tom, Auntie Annie, and James. We had a GREAT time playing in the yard!

Sam and Grandma taking a break inside.

Been farming long?

Catching bugs!

Thanks for making the long trip from Montana to visit us! We miss you and love you soooo much!