Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!

'Tis the birthday season in our family. Everyone with the exception of Meema and Uncle Marc has a birthday between the end of September and the middle of December! It is so hard to believe that Jack is 3! We are astonished by how much he has grown this year. The most growth has been with his vocabulary. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't crack us up with something he says. Some of the most recent things that have come out of his mouth:

"Papa, this is not negotiable."
"Well, actually..."
"I don't care for that."
"Should we do that?" (after attempting to persuade you to do something with him)
"Mom, I will go to Target and get a beer for you." (At least I have kept from him that my drink of choice isn't beer, it's Captain! See I don't drink in front of my kids, contrary to what many think!) :-)
"Part of me." (after he burped) "Meema says that." (she actually says "pardon me.")
"Fank you" (thank you)
"Clippord" (Clifford)
"Can I learn things at preschool?"

This year we decided to switch things up a bit and head to Eau Claire for Thanksgiving. Jack's birthday was the day before Turkey Day and we decided a fun/small celebration was just what was needed.

We started off the day with a little birthday oatmeal (Jack's request).

A few birthday gifts.

Much to his delight we were able to go to his all time favorite restaurant, Bridge Street Station aka. the Train Restaurant. He was in his glory having both Tom and I all to himself for a few hours.

Happy 3rd birthday Jackers! We love you more than you'll ever know!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Sam!

Well it is official we no longer have an infant and a toddler. :-( We are now a household with two toddlers and two parents, who are quickly about to be overrun! It is hard to believe that Sam is already 1. We have had so much fun watching him grow and learn this past year. He is such an easy going guy, who loves to make us laugh! We are truly blessed to have such a loveable little boy! Happy First Birthday Sammers! We love you soooooooooooo much!

Our sweet little birthday boy!

Jack was super excited to help Sam open his birthday gifts. I think he asked me 1,000 times during the day if it was time for Sam to open his gifts. It sure is a hard thing to wait until Daddy gets home, even when he comes home early from work to celebrate. I wonder if Jack will allow Sam to help him open his gifts in another week?!?!?

A new favorite toy!

I'm gonna get you!


Look Mom, no hands!

I think I like birthdays!

Sam's signature move...instead of signing "all done" he stands up in his highchair, even if he is buckled in. If you don't grab him quick enough he proceeds to sit on the tray and laugh. Obviously he was quicker than we were! Nice cake butt!

Time to head off to the ceremonial first birthday bath!

Happy Birthday Sam, we love you!