Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

Our journey home for the holidays started out at 9:00 on Tuesday night. It was the "ideal" weather time to leave, as we were in-between snowstorms. Jack was thrilled as he got to eat "cheese" from "Donald's" and drink "hottie" (chocolate milk). Sam was a SUPER traveler, and only required one stop. Tom and I felt like Parents of the Year, but we arrived safely at 1:30 AM.

After seeing the way Jack's eyes lit up when he first saw the Christmas tree, I truly understood the "magic" of Christmas.

While Jack was focusing on Christmas trees and Santa, Sam was just trying to focus.

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas. Tom and I couldn't ask for anything more for Christmas...we are blessed with so many wonderful things. Two happy, healthy little boys, a wonderful family, and many good friends!

Can you say a little too comfortable? Tom and my dad have come a long way since the days of Tom throwing rocks at my window when we were in high school!

I'll get these gifts open one way or another!

Some assembly required. It is a good thing that Jack likes using tools.

Grandma and Jack had fun decorating cookies after opening gifts. I don't think their new kitchen floor will ever be the same!

The weekend after Christmas we traveled to Northern Minnesota for the annual Borchardt Family Christmas. There were 37 of us there with only 6 missing. Sam had a great time being introduced to, rather held, by everyone!

Nice shades. I'm not sure where Uncle Marc found these, but sure am glad I don't have to be with him when he wears them.

Man hug!

Too much Christmas!

Sam told Grandma a bunch of stories before we got on the road to head back to Milwaukee. Thanks for the wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home Alone

I usually take things in stride, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for my first day home alone with two kids. I don't know what I had to be nervous about...we survived just fine. Everyone stayed fed and dry all day. Woohoo!!!!!!

1 month old ALREADY!?!?!?!

One evening after dinner we decided that we had had enough of being couped up in the house, so we bundled everyone up, and ventured outside for a winter walk.

The snow fairies decided to dump all of their snow on Milwaukee. Even with his new 4x4 truck Tom had a difficult time getting to work, so he decided to come home early. He and Jack enjoyed the day building snow tunnels.

Sam and I stayed inside hoping CC would resign with the such luck! Oh well, hopefully they will still have a great '09 season!

Jack has a minor obsession with tools and trains. You never know what he might ask you to build out of Play Doh...are you impressed with my artistic ability?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Surgery

You may remember from our previous blog that Jack was born with an umbilical hernia. We chose the "wait and see" option hoping that it would correct itself. Before Tom left for England on December 1st we headed back over to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin to have another meeting with the surgeon. Dr. Gourlay suggested that we now opt for surgery. Although Jack's hernia had almost closed, it hadn't far enough, which put him in the "high risk" category. There was a chance that his bowls would become strangulated, and then he would need emergency surgery. We took Dr. Gourlay's advice, and Jack had surgery on December 11th. Thank goodness Tom was home from his trip to England, and Mom was still down here with us. I was very nervous, but confident that he was in the best hands possible for the surgery.

We thought it was going to be really hard to limit Jack's breakfast from the usual oatmeal and fruit, but as you can see he didn't mind the variation of popsicles and jello...can you say SUGAR HIGH!!!!

Jack was his normal happy-go-lucky self, until it was time to change him into the hospital jammies. He then realized that something was going on....

Although the gig was up Jack and Daddy still had a match of Tickle Torture before surgery.

The surgery went just as expected, and mom and I were even able to go to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert later that night. A few days later we were able to take the bandage off to find Jack's "new" bellybutton.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Meema Saves Us

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Tom received a call asking him to travel to England for work. Thank goodness my mom (Meema according to Jack) had planned on staying with us to help me with my recovery, and with all of the other household chores, not to forget Christmas shopping, when Tom returned to work. We can't thank Mom enough (and Dad too, since he had to relearn how to set the coffee pot and alarm clock again!) I honestly don't think I would have made it had she not been here. There is something to be said about your mom taking care of you when you are out of commission! THANKS MOM WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Meema helped Jack to build his first snowman, which he was afraid of. I don't get it...he is totally fearless with things most 2 year olds go running from, but then gets scared of the goofiest things.

Sam is known for his major diaper blowouts, I don't think we have changed a diaper without poop in it yet! Since his cord stump had fallen off earlier in the day we decided the best way to clean him up would be with his first bath.

Tummy time is fun!