Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home Alone

I usually take things in stride, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for my first day home alone with two kids. I don't know what I had to be nervous about...we survived just fine. Everyone stayed fed and dry all day. Woohoo!!!!!!

1 month old ALREADY!?!?!?!

One evening after dinner we decided that we had had enough of being couped up in the house, so we bundled everyone up, and ventured outside for a winter walk.

The snow fairies decided to dump all of their snow on Milwaukee. Even with his new 4x4 truck Tom had a difficult time getting to work, so he decided to come home early. He and Jack enjoyed the day building snow tunnels.

Sam and I stayed inside hoping CC would resign with the such luck! Oh well, hopefully they will still have a great '09 season!

Jack has a minor obsession with tools and trains. You never know what he might ask you to build out of Play Doh...are you impressed with my artistic ability?