Sunday, February 1, 2009

A "Perfect" Week

We had a very fun week. We joined the "Y", went to the children's museum for the first time, and went to open gym at a gymnastics studio.

Sam was happy to get out of the house. He continues to be such a happy baby. In fact this week he decided that it was time to start sleeping through the night, or pretty close. We have been putting him to bed at 11pm and he has been sleeping until 5am consistently. I don't know what we have done to create such good sleepers, but I am so excited that the stars have aligned!

Don't you just want to kiss those chubby, little cheeks?!?!?! I do all the time, I figure I better shower the boys with kisses now, as someday (which will come all too quickly) they'll be wiping them off, saying "yuck".

Can you say pudgy baby?!?!?

Check out the new bus driver! The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round!

May I pour you a spot of tea? Jack is practicing the proper tea etiquette in case he will have the opportunity to travel to England, like Daddy.

My boys! I love saying that!

To some this may look like a blanket over two chairs to crawl under. In Jack's world it is known as a tunnel. He loves to have Sam be the "tunnel watcher", and run in and out of the tunnel, while I cook dinner.

Nice outfit! I'm sure Sam had confusing dreams that, puppies, ducks?!?!? Pick a theme and stick with it!

Tom doesn't request photos for the blog on a regular basis, but was sure to point out this blog worthy moment. Way to go honey! Keep practicing for the next Wii bowling tournament.

Grandma and Jack making donuts.

Grandma and Papa came down to visit this weekend. They kindly took Jack to see the trains at the Domes, as they change the exhibit daily, while Tom, Sam and myself went to begin shopping for our upcoming bathroom remodeling project. For those of you thinking it...yes this is the LAST major project we have on our house list. Now that we have pretty much run out of projects we are thinking of putting the house on the market this spring, once the bathroom is finished. Stay tuned!

With two cameras flashing, the boys were confused at which one to look at!