Sunday, May 17, 2009

Six Months!

On May 17th Sam turned 6 months. We can't believe that in another short 6 months we will be celebrating his first birthday! We continue to enjoy each and every minute we get to spend with him. He is such an AMAZING little guy. We love you Sammers!

Hmmm...what do you want me to do with this?

Turn it around?

Like this?

A little help from Daddy.

What a cutie!

Sam's 6th month stats:
19 lbs. 90th percentile
27 inches 90th percentile
46 cm (Head Circumference) 100+ percentile


Katie Tesch said...

He is so stinking cute! Maybe he is trying to catch up with Emma so they can play together...she was only 18lbs at her 12 month!

Hope to see you and your boys soon! Have fun with Thomas! Stop by on your way home if you are feeling up to it!