Sunday, May 17, 2009

We "Charlie Browned" it!

Thanks to our neighbor, Chris, we had a new kite, that I was DETERMINED to get into the air. With a little bit of luck and A LOT of wind we were successful!

Jack was pretty interested in flying it for the first 5 minutes, but then lost interest. Sam started to fuss a little in the stroller, so I left Jack to fly the kite while I tended to Sam. There was a Lacrosse game going on that was a tad bit more interesting to Jack. I picked Sam up out of the stroller and turned around to find Jack coming toward me. He said, "Mommy where kite go?" I realized that he didn't have the handle with the string on it any more. It was dragging across the ground, quickly gaining speed. My first reaction was to run after it. Did I say that it was quickly gaining speed? I chased it, while holding onto Sam, for about 5 minutes, and then gave up, as Jack was WAAAAAAAY behind me.

There it goes!!!!!!

Mommy where's my kite?

Unfortunately we left the Mt. Mary campus without our kite. We have been back to visit it, and most recently had Tom had to come up with a story for why they couldn't find it in the tree anymore. (I would have liked to have been there to hear that one!)

Jack's "Easter Bonnet" has been put to good use with the sunny, yet chilly, weather we have had.

We met Miles and Lindsay at a park. The boys had a TON of fun running up the slide and then sliding back down. Lindsay and I just sat back and giggled at the "interesting" conversations they had as they did this.

Each week we make it a point to have lunch with Daddy. Now that it is getting nicer outside we head to the park for a fun-filled family lunch.