Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day

As I said in my last post our doctor visits continued, and unfortunately we ended up visiting the ER doctors at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. :-( Throughout the weekend Jack started to feel better, as the antibiotics for his ear infections kicked in. I so wish I could say the same for Sam. He ended up getting the cough that Jack had, and eventually started wincing at the end of it and wheezing. THANK GOODNESS my parents were down!!!! Late Sunday afternoon my mom, who is a nurse, made the suggestion that we get Sam in to see the doctor. I called Dr. Kessen's office, and the doctor on-call suggested that we take him in given his symptoms. We attempted to get him into an urgent care, but of course none were open with it being a holiday weekend. Our only choice was to take him to the ER.

We got to the ER at 7:30 pm, saw the triage nurse around 10:00 pm, at midnight we were finally given a quarantined room in the ER. The doctors suggested that we give Sam a breathing treatment. We tried three breathing treatments, and some oral steroids which resulted in very little improvement. Tom and I took turns holding Sam, while the other slept. I have to be honest, I was worried about my little guy, but knew we would find a solution, being at the #3 rated Children's Hospital in the nation. The doctors decided it would be best if he was admitted, so at 3:00 am I was outside of the hospital trying to get in touch with the insurance company, to make sure that the stay would be covered. Wouldn't you know it...the insurance company was closed. We took a leap of faith and agreed to have him admitted, knowing that the ER was covered, thus assuming the hospital stay would be also. A parade of doctors were in and out of our room between 3:00 & 6:00, when we were FINALLY taken upstairs to a room.

The nurses were so caring. A deep suction had been ordered for Sam. That was not the most pleasant thing I've had to watch, but IT WORKED!!!!!! His breathing started to improve! After careful observation I sent Tom home so he could get some rest, and check on Meema, Papa and Jack. Sam continued to improve, and was FINALLY resting comfortably. I couldn't put him the hospital just gave me the willies. I held him and drifted in and out of sleep myself. At 10:00 am the doctors made their rounds and were very happy with the improvement he had made. They decided that they weren't doing anything there that we couldn't be doing at home, so we were released! At noon we were on our way out and headed towards home!

Not quite the Memorial Day we had planned on, but we were so thankful our little pork chop was on the road to recovery. Although we were at the hospital, we did take time to think about all of the veterans who sacrificed so much for our freedom, and give special thanks to our cousins, Chad, Joy and Robert, who are all active members of the military. Our deepest thank you for your willingness to fight for our freedom and safety!

I hope I NEVER have to take a picture at this venue again!!!!!

The rest of our week was pretty low-key. Jack and I found many quiet activities to do, while Sam rested.

Mr. Fix-It at his best!

Jack informed me that this was his helmet that he must wear while riding his truck. Umm...okay?!?!

We saw Dr. Kessen on Thursday, and she confirmed that Sam was still moving in the right direction, and hopefully everything would be cleared up by the end of the weekend. Music to my ears!!!! (I am happy to announce that he did stay on the road to recovery!)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

3 for 1

What a week! Tom was in China, and both boys decided it would be a good time to start having teeth come in, and get sick AGAIN!!!!

"Are you talkin' to me?"

The week started out fine. We were even able to get outside and enjoy some warmer weather. Sam had his 6 mo. Well Baby check-up, and everything was right on track. Dr. Kessen confirmed that there is a tooth coming, and that Sam will need to have a minor surgery to correct his tongue. (He was born tongue-tied, and we decided to wait to see how he nursed before correcting it. Obviously he doesn't have a problem nursing, but he isn't able to bring his tongue to the roof of his mouth, which could result in some speech issues later.)

Jack has his seasons confused!

The boys both started in with runny noses, which I thought was due to the teething. For a quiet afternoon activity we decided to make Daddy a welcome home sign. Jack was super excited to use his new paints.

Jack wasn't too excited for this photo op. and Sam had no choice but to sit in his Bumbo. I think I was the most excited for Tom to come home, but after hearing about his trip, I'm pretty sure he was the most excited.

Below is a little recap of his trip. (I seriously think he needs to give up engineering and become a writer...if you can get through it without laughing, you'll be doing much better than I did.)

72 Hours in China
The plane out of Chicago to Beijing was packed. Only about 3 empty seats on the whole plane. Pretty fun. Nothing like spending 13 hours in the air in a Boeing 777SD (Sardine Can). Fortunately Oilgear sprung for economy plus class seats that offer an additional 3 inches of leg room. I will forever argue that three inches is worth noting.
I didn’t realize how much of a world news event the “Pig Flu” was making until I was on the plane. Half of the Chinese passengers were wearing masks. I guess the simple fact that viruses pass quite easily through paper masks didn’t make the presses in China either.
It became even more apparent how much world attention the “pig Flu” was getting when we landed in Beijing. Not only did we have fill out a health information card:
1. Where have you been in the past 2 weeks?
2. Have you had any contact with pigs over the last two weeks?
3. Do you suffer from any flu symptoms?
the plane was boarded by about 10 chinese nationals armed with infrared thermometers as soon as we hit the gate and every passenger was checked before we could leave the plane. Picture this – 250 passengers with seriously sour asses wanting nothing more than to get off the damn plane and we are forced to sit for another 10 minutes while some guy points a freaken laser beam at your head to check your temperature.
The two additional health check points before even getting to customs: turn in your health card and a thermo scan just about put me over the edge.
The second flight that day to Xi’an, about two hours from Beijing, went smoothly and nobody asked to take my temperature.
A group from the customer met us at the airport and drove us to our hotel for the night. Nice place. The traditional bed was about 12” off the ground and reminded me of a sheet of plywood with a sheet over the top. Not anticipating much sleep on this bad boy I quickly took them up on the offer to go get a few beers before bed.
We landed in an open air marketplace. Quite exciting. Picture a large permanent tent structure with a bunch of tables with short stools around them surrounded by various vendors selling chicken, pork, or beef meat kabobs, fried vegetable, beer, etc… The 8 of us sat around the table eating, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and trading stories. The environment reminded of a tailgate party of sorts and was a very good time.
I did find the rolls of napkins that they put on the table interesting. It was about the size of receipt roll on a cash register and they simply plopped on the table to wipe your fingers and mouth.
After about 4 hours of sleep, I woke early to stamp some more of the drawings that we were to submit that day. I sat down on the toilet and when I was finished recognized the “roll of napkins” that I had used the night before as they looked very similar to the roll of toilet paper that was next to the toilet.
I climbed into the shower to clean up. Made quite a bit of racket when I found out that the square shower pan that I was standing on to shower was not attached to the floor and will flip up and then crash down quite loudly when you stand on the edge of it to reach for the towel.
The meeting started at 9:00 AM the next day and opened with a speech from the customer. He thanked all for coming and anticipated resolution of most open issues and an expedited delivery of outstanding materials.
We broke for lunch at noon. This was quite interesting. Two tables of 10 with the traditional large lazy susan in the center of the table in a smaller room put everybody in pretty close quarters. We started with a toast to the meeting and things quickly went downhill from there as I was introduced the term “gombay”.
Translated literally it means to the bottom. In other words – finish it!!!! This is not a big deal until you also realize that it is tradition for each person to do this with every other person at the table. And that you do this with traditional hard liquor distilled from rice wine. And that you are at lunch. And that you have a meeting to finish that has really only just begun.
After some noodles, soup with unidentifiable ingredients, halibut head (this is quite good as it is really rich), many vegetables, and several shots we finished lunch and broke for a few minutes before returning to the meeting.
Dinner that evening was much less exciting but still involved some “gombay”. I guess everybody else was a little tired by now also.
We headed back to the much larger city of Xi’an that evening and stayed there for Tuesday. We visited a motor supplier and customer that did open die forging of titanium. Finding seeing 4000 KW motors and watching an open die forging press in action from 10 feet away a great way to spend a day in China clearly identifies me as a nerd.
Tuesday night we headed back to Beijing and grabbed a hotel. We had another nice dinner with some Oilgear China employees that included a few beers and hit the streets at 10PM to see the sights. We ended up not finding much but it was good to get some air and do a little walking.
Wednesday was spent in the office of YTT in Beijing and back on the plane in the afternoon after some lunch where I made the mistake of grabbing a bunch of this dish that was literally a plate of fried peppers. I was able to get a few laughs at the table when I mentioned in a half choking, trying to catch my breath voice that this dish is spicy.
Luckily, the flight home was as empty as the plane on the way to China was full. I was able to catch several hours of sleep as I had a few seats to myself and could stretch out. That said, my butt was still sour when we landed.

Even with the boys both sick and crabby, I decided we HAD to get out of the house. We packed up and headed to the zoo. I thought that would be the best choice for attempting to gain some sanity on my part, and not spread the boys' germs around.

I can't believe how big Jack looks in this photo. He looks like a little boy, rather than my baby.

What could be better than McDondald's with the elephants.

Jack was up all night coughing like crazy, and it was confirmed that I needed to take him to the doctor, on Wednesday, when I found him sleeping on his bedroom floor after his morning bath. The doctor said it was just his teeth and a virus. His ears looked good, just a little clear fluid behind one of them. With that news we headed back home.

Things only proceeded to get worse. On Friday I had an appointment with an orthopedic doctor for my wrist. I ended up having tendonitis (sp?) in it. It certainly didn't surprise me, with all the lifting of Sam's infant carrier I have been doing. When I got home we decided to call Dr. Kessen and ask her if we could give Jack anything for his cough. She thought it would be best if we brought him in, so she could listen to it. All four of us packed up and headed to her office. It's a good thing we did, as both boys ended up with double ear infections, yes, I said both boys had double ear infections. I felt like the worst mother in the world. How could I have not known that their ears were bothering them...oh yeah I forgot, neither of my boys show any signs of discomfort with their ears, they just get crabby, so it's not like I can go running off to the doctor every time they get crabby. After diagnosing the ear infections Dr. Kessen turned to Tom and I and jokingly asked if there was anything we needed her to check on either of us. Tom laughed, and showed her his thumb that he had cut the night before working on the plumbing for the bathtub (no the bathroom isn't done yet!). She asked when his last tetanus shot was. He couldn't remember, so you guessed it, Nurse Janet came in with her syringe. Needless to say we had three different people seen under one co-pay. I wonder how long it will take until the insurance company catches this one!

We had hoped that everyone would start feeling better as we had big weekend plans coming up. Papa and Meema were coming down to take care of the boys while Tom and I went to a wedding, and then all six of us were going to go the Brewer game on Monday to celebrate Memorial Day. Needless to say this was only the start of our doctor visits...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Six Months!

On May 17th Sam turned 6 months. We can't believe that in another short 6 months we will be celebrating his first birthday! We continue to enjoy each and every minute we get to spend with him. He is such an AMAZING little guy. We love you Sammers!

Hmmm...what do you want me to do with this?

Turn it around?

Like this?

A little help from Daddy.

What a cutie!

Sam's 6th month stats:
19 lbs. 90th percentile
27 inches 90th percentile
46 cm (Head Circumference) 100+ percentile

We "Charlie Browned" it!

Thanks to our neighbor, Chris, we had a new kite, that I was DETERMINED to get into the air. With a little bit of luck and A LOT of wind we were successful!

Jack was pretty interested in flying it for the first 5 minutes, but then lost interest. Sam started to fuss a little in the stroller, so I left Jack to fly the kite while I tended to Sam. There was a Lacrosse game going on that was a tad bit more interesting to Jack. I picked Sam up out of the stroller and turned around to find Jack coming toward me. He said, "Mommy where kite go?" I realized that he didn't have the handle with the string on it any more. It was dragging across the ground, quickly gaining speed. My first reaction was to run after it. Did I say that it was quickly gaining speed? I chased it, while holding onto Sam, for about 5 minutes, and then gave up, as Jack was WAAAAAAAY behind me.

There it goes!!!!!!

Mommy where's my kite?

Unfortunately we left the Mt. Mary campus without our kite. We have been back to visit it, and most recently had Tom had to come up with a story for why they couldn't find it in the tree anymore. (I would have liked to have been there to hear that one!)

Jack's "Easter Bonnet" has been put to good use with the sunny, yet chilly, weather we have had.

We met Miles and Lindsay at a park. The boys had a TON of fun running up the slide and then sliding back down. Lindsay and I just sat back and giggled at the "interesting" conversations they had as they did this.

Each week we make it a point to have lunch with Daddy. Now that it is getting nicer outside we head to the park for a fun-filled family lunch.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Getting the Germs Out!

With all the sickness we had in the house, I thought it would be a good idea to get a little deep cleaning done! The boys spent a lot of time outside, while I stayed in with my rubber gloves and bleach.

I just cracked up when I looked at all of the toys in the dishwasher. Hopefully this will help eliminate all of our germs.

Catching a few rays of Vitamin D.

Our neighbor Chris, was doing a bit of spring cleaning also, and brought over a bunch of toys for the boys. A military jeep, kite, and dump truck...she will forever be Jack's favorite neighbor. Here we are out for a walk sporting our new rides. Sam in the Bumbo, inside the wagon, as he isn't completely stable sitting by himself yet, especially when Jack is behind him ramming into the wagon with his jeep.

Catching flies.

Jack and Tom sporting their puddle jumping boots.

Could life get any better than this?

Now that we have more of the infant toys and contraptions out, Jack is attempting to relive his younger days. It is pretty funny when he gets stuck in the excersaucer!

I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day. Tom and Jack cooked breakfast for me, and then we spent the rest of the day hanging out together as a family. My gifts from each of the boys were very thoughtful...a new sports bra from Sam, as he has a vested interest in making sure the "girls" are properly supported, and a heart rate monitor from Jack, as I need to learn how to effectively control my heart rate and blood pressure as I watch him become more independent, which usually results in a band-aid or two. I must add that my gifts were presented in one of a kind designer wrapping paper (a beautifully decorated paper bag created by my own little artist!) Actually my gifts serve a much greater purpose, as I have made the commitment to myself, and my boys, to get back into shape. I am proud to say that I have started running again, and the gifts really showed me how much love and support I have from my AMAZING husband, to achieve my quest of a healthier lifestyle!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the new and not-so-new moms out there! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Celebrating Mom sure tires you out!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Whirlwind Week

We returned home from Eau Claire with one sick kid, and wondering how we were going to keep the other one from getting sick.

Now that it is behind us all I can say is I am sooooooooo thankful that we have been blessed with good health! Dealing with a sick two year old is not fun, not to mention how dry your hands get from washing them 1,000 times a day, in hopes that you don't spread the germs to anyone else. I must say that Jack totally takes after me when he is sick, whinny and only wants to cuddle and watch TV.

Thank goodness we were able to control the fever with meds. When the meds kicked in Jack was back to his old self. The funny story that goes along with the picture is the hole Jack made in his closet. There was a random nail in there that he would go pound, as we have tried desperately to make sure he only pounds nails with his hammer. (Most of the time the hammers are housed on top of the fridge, because they aren't pounding nails.) He came out of his room and announced that he had pounded the nail in his closet, and wanted me to come see the hole. I figured I had better go check it my surprise I found that he had indeed made a hole in his wall...the hammer was promptly put back on the fridge, but Jack was very confused as he had followed the rules and pounded a nail.

We finally were able to grout and seal the tub surround in the bathroom, so the boys had to take their bath in the sink.

Sam's favorite veggie so far has been sweet potatoes. I'm sure those of you who followed the old blog are thankful that I haven't been able to capture the sweet potatoes coming back out yet! Hehe!

Sam has really started to become more active in his excersaucer. I just love this picture of him trying to figure out why the frog spins around every time he touches it. Hopefully the hammer won't find it!

We went to our first Brewers game of the season with our good friends John and Kari. The big kids stayed back at their house with a sitter, while the four of us and Sam went to the game. We had a GREAT time tailgating and cheering the Brewers on.

Sam didn't seem too concerned that Brewers lost, but he sure was interested in the lights at Miller Park.

The camera men at Miller Park must like us. Tom and I have ended up on the jumbotron at past games, and this time Kari and I ended up on TV. It was too funny...John and Tom ran to grab a few more tasty beverages, when all of a sudden both my and Kari's phones started ringing. Her friend and my dad were calling to say that we were on TV. Thank goodness it wasn't my first thought, when the phones rang, that something had happened to one of the big kids. Thanks for inviting us we had a GREAT time!