Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year by hosting a kid friendly shin-dig at our house. We had 11 adults, 4 toddlers, 2 babies, and a little one ready to make his or her appearance any day. It was a great time. After we put the kids to bed the adults had a Wii bowling tournament.

Jack must have tooted, since no one wanted to sit next to him...darn holiday gas!

The championship...I think these two spent the entire week prior practicing. How else would the championship come down to a duel between a husband and a wife?

Sam has become much more alert. Up until this point Jack hasn't shown a lot of interest in him. Now he is very interested in helping "brother" out.

These overalls are too fitting. Sam has become our little moose. He weighed 8lbs 7oz at our one week check up, and then two and one half weeks later he weighed in at 10lbs 10oz. Jack is starting to get a little nervous that pretty soon Sam will be the "big" brother!