Sunday, March 1, 2009

Changing Sleeping Schedules

We seem to be back on track with our sleeping schedules. While Sam's schedule continued to improve, Jack decided he wasn't fond of going to bed. We spent a few nights listening to him scream bloody murder when it was time for bed. We still had a gate up in the entrance to his room. He would stand at it crying his eyes out, and would usually get me to give when he would ask me to snuggle him. Now what mom can say no to that?!?! One night we ended up with all 4 of us in our bed. We are not big on co-sleeping, but at 1:30 in the morning it seemed like the best idea. Thank goodness for our king-size bed!

Since Jack moved into his "big boy" bed we haven't had any issues with him falling out. It is a good thing we go to check on him before we go to bed, as this is how we found him. Maybe he was afraid to go to sleep because he was having "falling" dreams?

Unlike Jack, Sam's sleeping schedule keeps getting better. We now put him down between 10:00 and 10:30 and he usually sleeps until 6:00. Some nights we have to go in and give him his nuk, but more often than not he stays asleep.

Just practicing for next month, when Dr. Kessen with hopefully give us the okay to start solids!

A hair-raising experience! Jack's new favorite thing to do is "swing blankie." Our biceps are getting bigger by the moment, not due to working out, but rather swinging our two year old around in a blanket until our muscles have reached failure.

The "Boss" of the house.